Tuesday, December 8, 2009


We hit opening day at Snowshoe on Saturday, and then App's opening on Sunday. We filmed a bit but nothing really. I ended up not taking too many pictures, none on Sunday. Opening day is just hard to get film and pics because everyone's having so much fun and nobody wants to deal with any cameras. Missed out on the comp Sunday due to App's delay of annoucing they would open, but still had fun there. Also in resort news, The Homestead is planning on opening Dec. 19 or before (weather dependent), check below for pic of them making snow. The Homestead is basically a hole in a wall, but when they have thier park out, it is a blast.

Went to bed like this.

Woke up to this.

The roads are covered in marshmallow cream.

Everybody seems to have a funny face.

Inside looking out.

We tried finishing the Parmesan cheese, ended up with a mess.

Ryan said photo op.

No limit soldiers.

It is great riding lifts again, especially with a powder day.

STOP reading, START shralping.

Park looking nice for a first day. One more box above the first one.

Somebody got wicky-ed.

Make it look like it's puking with the flash on.

Something better than stickers.

The Homestead making snow.

Winter wonderland, with lots of lights.

Howl at dat moon.

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